•  2/06/2021 01:32 PM

Working out at a gym can be quite intimidating and time-consuming, but that’s why there are personal trainers and 24/7 gyms available today. While it may seem unnecessary, it’s actually quite rewarding, especially if approached with the right mindset. Exercise, in general, is something that has to be done by everyone in the world, but going to the gym is so much more than simple exercise. The guidance of a fellow gym-goers allows you to hone your personal training—allowing the best results for your hard work. If you’re still not convinced, then here are six reasons that you should start working out at a gym today.

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  •  2/06/2021 01:30 PM

More than anything, going to the gym is a lifestyle choice. It goes beyond the mere “need to exercise” and the “goal to be fit,” which is why having the right mindset is crucial before you actually start registering for a gym. In this day and age, it’s commonplace to see an individual registering for a gym membership, attending for a week, and then disappearing after. It is usually followed by a flurry of excuses, ranging from a lack of time, a lack of accessibility to the gym, or even more simply a lack of motivation. This leads not only to wasted effort, but also to money loss and demotivation as well. By having the right mindset from the onset, you can go to the gym without illusions or excuses to quit. To help you make the best choice to gear you ahead, here are three of the most crucial factors to consider before you register yourself to a gym.

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  •  19/08/2020 12:00 AM

Have you ever experienced the sheer joy of lifting more weight than you could have ever imagined? Take it from us—it’s pretty amazing!Be careful, though. We’re not telling you to go and tackle the heaviest barbell you can find & load up. Instead, we want to tell you about powerlifting, which is a specific type of weight training that requires discipline, consistency, and a great deal of effort.Sounds difficult? For the most part, it really is, but the payoffs it could bring are immense! Here are a few examples of what we mean:

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  •  15/07/2020 12:00 AM

“How do I get good gains?”“Why is my deadlift plateauing even though I’ve been doing sessions at least thrice a week?”“I’m eating properly, sleeping right, and taking my supplements, but why can’t I move any weight?”“The muscle gains are there, but why is my strength level still the same?” If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions lately, then it’s clear that your current strength levels aren’t budging the way you want them to. No matter how many times you scream out “lightweight,” you still can’t seem to get past the first few degrees or inches on your next PRs goals once you load everything up on the bar. Now that you’ve done everything right, you might be asking yourself if all your efforts are futile. The truth, however, is that there’s definitely an answer to your current problem. The solution is simple: Get on a powerlifting program.

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  •  16/06/2020 12:00 AM

This coronavirus situation is no joke. On top of threatening people’s livelihoods and health, it has also made working out that much more challenging. Gyms are closed and even if they weren’t, it would be very unsafe for you to go anyway. Home workouts are the best solution for the meantime. But how do you stay motivated and make sure you’re getting enough stimulus to reach your goals? We’ll share a few tips that have worked for us and many of our clients.

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  •  13/05/2020 12:00 AM

The world of fitness––just like any widely-populated, popular, and enjoyed endeavour––is always going to be subject to its own fair share of myths. A common consensus held by most of those who have been lifting weights for years, as a matter of fact, is that believing a myth and being strung along for a bit is an undeniable part of the whole experience! While it may be quite understandable to fall prey to a piece of “advice” that sounds unrealistic, what matters is that you take every necessary step to educate yourself in avoiding any other misconceptions down the road.

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